The Sarasota Institute ~ a 21st century Think Tank
The Sarasota Institute is a 21st Century Think Tank. We are interested in leading the questioning and thinking on 10 major topics that will largely shape the United States and the world in this century. These 10 topics are: technology, global policy, natural resources, marketing and media, intelligence, health care, education, democracy, climate change and capitalism. We are not political. We were co-founded by futurist David Houle, marketing guru Philip Kotler, and financial futurist Jason Voss in 2017. We are a non-profit corporation. Look into the future with us!
The Sarasota Institute ~ a 21st century Think Tank
TSI Episode 03: Tim Rumage Planetary Ethicist and Co-author 'This Spaceship Earth'
Tim Rumage is a Planetary Ethicist, the Head of Environmental Studies at Ringling College of Art and Design and the co-author of This Spaceship Earth.
In this early part of the 21st Century we are in a planetary reality for which we have no precedence. The last time the atmosphere has as much CO2 as today was at least 800,000 years ago. Modern Humanity has been around for 200,000 years so there is no road map, plan or strategy we can pull up from history. order to deal with Climate Change we must change our consciousness. We need to develop crew consciousness. We need to become crew members of This Spaceship Earth rather than continue to be unaware passengers. It is time for everyone to realize they are an astronaut.